Monday 6 March 2017

Entry 12: Mum.

I have found people that understand me, life was beginning to get better again.
You know, i now have what the kids call a social life and stuff.
I am finally starting to open up to new people, not afraid to be myself.
I am brave.

But life has a funny way of turning the situation around when you least expect it.

I just got off the phone with my mum.
She told me she's not going to be in London when i come down for my dad's birthday.
I tried my hardest to make it sound as if im not crying, but i think we both knew what was up.
I could hear it in her voice too, i've heard it too many times.
Instead she's going to Poland for a private knee surgery.
And it's possible she'll be there for quite a while.
You know.. rehabilitation takes time, especially when it comes to knees.

Until she comes back i will do my best to support my dad as much as i can, he needs someone to reassure him things will be fine and that we can get through this.

Have a good day everyone.