Monday, 6 April 2020

Quarantine Diaries: Everyday

Lockdown is hard for so many reasons, for so many people and I've realised how much we take for granted everyday.
When being limited in time spent outdoors, a change of daily routine (My younger brother went literally nocturnal for a few days xD)or just completely messing up your future events schedule.

Lately I've been thinking about the beauty in everyday,
that you don't need to plan for big things to do something big.

It's important to delight in everyday things too, you can't just live from one plan to the next.
You need to be present here and now, not the past not the future.
Simple things like gardening, making art, cooking, cleaning (that relief of a clean and tidy room), journaling or listening to music.

I'm not saying don't reflect on your past or don't have future plans, life is about balance and if you neglect the present day you won't feel fulfilled. Don't always chase your future, let it come to you one day at a time.

A x

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Quarantine Diaries: Creation

I always admired nature in landscapes, animals or weather. Creation always allowed me to understand God on a deeper level, see Him as a artist- a fellow creative as well as a scientist and engineer.
I always marvel at a pretty sunset, cute cloud shapes, hills, oceans and mountains.
I always loved animals deeply, believe it or not I wanted to be a vet for a longer while.

I set up a bird feeder with seed fat balls for birds of all sizes to feed on, they get a free lunch and i get to look at how they work together to provide for each other. Their little feathers ruffling in the Scottish winds.

Nature brings me peace, even at a stormy sea side i feel calm and steady.

A x