Sunday, 28 February 2016

I just realised that i haven't posted a rant in ages..
It's not like i'm trying to say that my opinions are in the right and everyone who disagrees is in the wrong though. Let's just say for all those who disagree, this can be an approach from a different perspective.

I hate it when people are condescending towards others,  thinking that you're better than a person is bad enough but assuming they would not understand or would not know about something based on your prejudiced beliefs is actually the worst.

People who look down at others, or people who put themselves first in every situation actually disgust me.

You're here for not a long time, average of about 81.5 years in the UK.
(that would mean that i have approximately a quarter of my life already behind me, yes i took a minute to calculate that as i am extra)
So just take that time and try to make other people smile, treat them with respect make their day pleasant.
Even showing interest in their life could mean a lot, a simple "How are you?".
I don't think treating people kindly is a lot to ask, whereas it makes a big impact.

I am not saying i am perfect, i have moments where i am rude or show disrespect but there is a difference between working on improving yourself and not wanting to change your behaviour.

Peace out,

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Today wasn't even bad, in fact I really liked today.
We had pizza and some family time, which is rare nowadays as everyone is usually busy.
I called Grandma, she's feeling fine so at least that's going okay.

I'm currently in bed, my chest feels heavy and just tight for some reason. My eyes are probably bloodshot and I'm just here in the dark wishing I wasn't here.
Wishing I was nowhere..
Peace out.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Insignificant facts about my life incoming:
Half term is over and looking back at it all it went really fast.
I noticed that every time I went outside of my house I would trip up at one point or another, I wish I was joking but I'm dead serious.
Even when the half term is over, today I was walking home and my feet didn't disappoint me.. I tripped on a completely flat surface.
It's like I'm prone to accidents or something, it's gotten to the point where i recover really quickly and don't even give it much thought until someone points out that I tripped up.

Peace out.

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Sometimes i think about myself..

It's sort of this thing where i don't really know who i am.
A couple of posts back i wasn't happy with who i was, i thought i changed and didn't seem like myself for a while. I literally stopped behaving like myself.

That has fortunately changed but when do i know that i am myself again?
After all, life is about constantly discovering yourself and what you are capable of.

So like right now I'm at the beginning of this long journey, and even though i went through stuff earlier on that really shaped up the person i am today; this isn't even my final form xD
My views change, opinions change and my perspective changes.
My thinking changes.
The further i go, the easier it is to cope with certain stuff as i gain experience.
I can tell right from wrong.
All i can do for now is accept who i am right this moment and strive to be a better person.

Peace out.

So my parents went to Scotland leaving me and my brothers at home by ourselves.

I feel as if experiences like this bring us together, like we have to depend on each other for the weekend and i think that's a nice change.
Having no parents around the house means i can sing twenty one pilots songs out loud, which is pretty darn cool if you ask me.

I also found myself shouting 'Lipid membrane' to Pawel, yup gotta let that frustration out.

I'm feeling better, although as soon as i woke up i wanted to literally disappear.
I'm slowly trying to work through things right now, like i just need to sort myself out.

Peace out.
P.S: have you noticed that i haven't been putting titles on my posts recently? like what's up with that?

Friday, 19 February 2016

Dirty hands
Muddy shoes
Twigs in hair
Cold air fills my lungs
Good company
'Borrowed' boats
Thin ice on the pond
Losing track
Finding the way..

Thursday, 18 February 2016

All I want to do is sleep but lately even sleep isn't enough for me.

If today was so nice why am I feeling this way?

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Half terms are always really uncomfortable for me.
Sure, you have education-free days where you don't have to get up at ridiculously early hours to attend classes that are not necessarily enjoyable.
But I just can't help feeling really isolated, or wanting to be isolated for that matter.
At one point I just give up and stop caring about anything, I think today was the day.
I actually hate my thoughts sometimes, and it's not like I can stop them when I want to. You have to distract yourself and when they come back you have to push them away some more.
Until eventually hopefully you forget about it when you're busy.
I made plans for tomorrow and Friday as that is the only cure for this mysterious condition I am in.
 Spending time with friends always improves my mood.

Peace out.
I love the little things, details make me happy.
I was making myself tea today, for some reason I chose a tall clear glass.
When stirring the tea I noticed a dancing tornado inside the glass, I pressed my nose onto the glass for a better look and I stirred some more fascinated.
Once the honey dissolved and the tornado calmed down I thought about all the little things people miss, all the thrilling things that people take for granted.

Peace out.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

I was a shooting star today.
I was walking home from college and i was just randomly staring at the dark sky.
No clouds, just clear night sky.
At first I noticed Orion's Belt, I practically didn't look where i am walking.
I got to the white bridge and spent a good 5 minutes appreciating the view, I love this place at night.

I continued to walk, during cold weather i am sometimes too cold to take out my headphones so i just walk in silence.
I usually think about what happened throughout the day, or day dream; that depends on my mood.

My thoughts focused on a particular moment during the day... let's

I happened to look up at the sky at the exact moment a star fell from the sky, it was like a short ray of light which then disappeared into nothingness.
I don't think you understand how happy that made me, i could experience such an unexpected beauty for the first time in my life.

Peace out.