Sunday, 28 February 2016

I just realised that i haven't posted a rant in ages..
It's not like i'm trying to say that my opinions are in the right and everyone who disagrees is in the wrong though. Let's just say for all those who disagree, this can be an approach from a different perspective.

I hate it when people are condescending towards others,  thinking that you're better than a person is bad enough but assuming they would not understand or would not know about something based on your prejudiced beliefs is actually the worst.

People who look down at others, or people who put themselves first in every situation actually disgust me.

You're here for not a long time, average of about 81.5 years in the UK.
(that would mean that i have approximately a quarter of my life already behind me, yes i took a minute to calculate that as i am extra)
So just take that time and try to make other people smile, treat them with respect make their day pleasant.
Even showing interest in their life could mean a lot, a simple "How are you?".
I don't think treating people kindly is a lot to ask, whereas it makes a big impact.

I am not saying i am perfect, i have moments where i am rude or show disrespect but there is a difference between working on improving yourself and not wanting to change your behaviour.

Peace out,

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