Monday, 18 May 2015

Haphii Burthdae!

It was Trevor's birthday yesterday, she is literally 10 days older than me.

I went to the cinema with her on Saturday to watch 'Big Hero 6', yeah i watched it before but it was good enough to watch again. I was teary eyes when *SPOILER* Baymax stayed behind when they were rescuing Abigail.
It was fun because i took my younger brother with me and he cried like twice, like proper teared up. Trevor's younger sister was scared of Pawel and i was just like "Yup, there is a lot to be scared about, like his smelly feet".
It was really fun Trevor. I just wish i could see you more often, stupid exams. We can meet up sometime during half-term, can't we?
I havent given you my birthday present, but i think you will love it a the it's the best present you have received from me yet.

You know i realised that i don't tell people how i feel about them, and you're like a sister that i never had. I love you Trevah you're my hideous creature and i wouldn't ever want to replace you, but you will have to wait for my present a bit longer.

1 comment:

  1. Of course I will see you during halfterm :) I will see you tomorrow and Friday and basically anytime that I can fit in. I love you tooooo :) Awwwww I feel special and awwwww you're such a weirdo, wanting to steal no u-turn circles that have mud in it and its like, wow, this girl is crazy and a box of frogs, but like I would not have it any other way. Hahahahaha, you have time. :P
