Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Easter bunny, yeah he's not real.

So i was so excited for this year's Eater holidays, I even planned a blog post on how there's going to be chocolate egg hunts and stuff like that.
Well, guess what?
I went Sainsbury's after college with my parents, as we were walking beside the eater isle I asked Mum if she has any particular chocolate egg in mind this year (We change it up a lil' every year) AND BAM! She calmly announces that there will be no chocolate eggs this year!!! Like what?
Ok, i'm nearly 17 but i still get excited about this stuff, but my own mother just stabbed me in the back.
After a while she adds: "Don't worry you brothers will not have chocolate either, it's fair and square".
The reason i cannot have chocolate is because I'm lactose-intolerant. The milk inside the chocolate causes acne on my face. Sad life.
I never thought a stupid milk allergy can impact me so much, yet it did.

Zbogom moj prijatelj.

Cracking people up.

Today, during lunch in the college canteen I have sat down at a table with a group of my friends. As you already know, I am a pretty cool person so to look even more bad-ass, i have put up my feet on the chair next to mine and i sat down in a comfortable half-lying position.
As i talk about Missions to Mars with my friends, I decide to take my cream crackers out of my bag.
Having the luck i possess, When taking my first bite the cracker decides to snap into 5 different pieces: One in my mouth, one in my hand & the remaining 3 onto my neck scarf and shirt.
Seeing the crumbles everywhere i manage to pick up all of them and sneakily eat them.
When I glanced up from my food I see a guy looking my way, AND laughing his head off!
Side note: I see him pretty much every time I'm at college and we share awkward eye-contact each time.
I then look down smiling, slightly embarrassed. I like to laugh at myself, its fun.

I guess the moral of this story is that you should never eat cream crackers when you're trying to look cool.

La revedere prietenul meu.

Monday, 23 February 2015


Saturday 20th Feb:
I got home like half an hour ago i dumped my bag in my room and got a drink, I return to my room located upstairs and sit down on my swivel desk chair and decide to turn around..
I have not expected my ukulele to come till Monday, but It's here! On a Saturday! I quickly got my scalpel and began opening that darn packaging only to discover how lovely it is.
I have officially named my first ever Ukulele VINCENT.
I am so excited and I will attach a video of me pulling a few strings.
Trevor was obviously the first one to find out and she even gave him the name: "Vincent Tassletuff Lop" so VTL for short.
Oh Vince, i have have the feeling you and I are going to get on well.

Monday 22nd Feb:
My brother couldn't cope with the simple task of tuning Vincent. When i try to play it, it just sounds like one of those cheap plastic little guitars you would get your 5 year old kid.
On Sunday I am asking David to tune it for me, he plays the guitar so he knows his stuff. Although I'm probably going to have to have to bribe him with a doughnut.
Attaching a video of me playing Vincent probably in a week's time, so stay tuned for that... GET IT?? TUNED.. I'm so funny..

Addio amico mio
Metallic Sharpie for the win.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Birthday Gifts.

Usually for someone’s birthday i plan to give presents that relate to an inside joke or something with meaning to them.

When my younger brother came into my room to beg for crisps off me he noticed a list of planned birthday gifts for me to buy.
He said: "Yellow jumper? Who would want that for their birthday?"
I replied: "You know, I try to give gifts with meanings in them not like chocolate bars with a small card attached."
He just looked me in the eye:"Oh yeah, like that time you gave me an open pack of skittles for my last birthday!, did that have any meaning?"
I just smiled. "Maybe."


Friday, 20 February 2015


Turning 16 meant that i was expected to be more responsible for my actions and also become more independent, find a job or just take care of my own business.
It meant arranging my own GP check ups and appointments.
I try not to depend on people, do things myself because then i feel better about the outcome. But i know for a fact i am not ready for being an adult and facing consequences on my own. I am scared of the future, but i am also very excited for what the future holds.
At the same time i want to stay in this place forever but also can't wait to move on. I am torn apart between what i want and what i need.

I have to admit, going College was a big step for me as I am generally a very anxious person. And i do not settle in well with a new environment. But i did it, i even got into the same form class as my best friend Trevor. Things were going fine, i didn't have the same lessons as Trevor but we made it work. We met up every break and ate lunch together. But i have not really managed to make a lot of new friends, most were just merely classmates i had to spend 2 hours in a classroom with. I did of course befriend a few.
But with so many people from my high school in college with me it didn't feel like a new chapter in my life.
All until i got transfered into a new campus.
I remember the day i found out me and Trevor sat outside a chemistry class just contemplating the rest of our college career.
I cried myself to sleep that night, knowing that after that weekend ends I will be stomping on a completely new territory.
On the following Monday, i met up with Trevor in the morning and Katy promised me to show me around the campus before my lesson. Of course he was late and i had to stop myself from strangling him. On the bus we ran into Ohini, a girl from my old english and science class. She was kind enough to show me to my class as i walked into a class like a lost puppy, with 23 teenage faces staring at me. Luckily, my new form tutor was my Biology teacher from the previous campus so it wasn't that bad. I quietly sat down.
The first day was awful but i managed to make 2 new friends during lunch time. I got the bus with them home.
Well let me tell you what, about 4 months later I am settling in good in the class. They seem to like me and I am not complaining either. I am a part of a friends group with 6 members (including me) and i still see Trevor on a regular basis.
Now I am not only much better at making friends, I am also more independent day by day. (Excluding going to any sort of doctor by myself)

So remember, there's always hope.
I wish you luck!

Crazy selfie from college (me on the right)

The orange peels incident.

This happened in Year 8/9 of my high school carrier.
It was lunch time and I was with PJ (mentioned in a previous post). We were sitting on the floor outside my french class and talking about everything and nothing. 
That time our French teacher Ms.Akesse wasn't around because she was pregnant but we had a supply teacher whom she picked for us.
His name was Mr.Frederick D'amore. He wasn't the oldest of teachers, in fact he was about 30 I would say.
For some bizarre reason our form class wasn't very fond of Frederick. I know, he might've been a bit odd here and there (his funny French accent and teaching us amusing French songs which later came in handy when doing my GCSEs) but he wasn't at all bad. I considered him better than Ms.Akesse as she would just sit behind her desk, eating pasta from a plastic container asking us "Comment dit-on ___ en français?" while pointing at her power point.

Anyways back to sitting outside the French class. We stop talking as Mr.D'amore approaches the staff toilets that are literally opposite to where we were sitting, he says "Good Morning girls" with a smile on his French face. We just nod at him and i manage to mumble "Mornin'" under my breath.
I elbow PJ in the ribs and point at the orange he is holding while going inside the bathroom. She sees this and giggles until there's tears escaping her eyes. 
Observation: She just simply couldn't laugh without her eyes not watering.
After a while, well a long while. He comes out of the toilet, finding us still sitting there. We both intently look at his hands or pockets in search of the orange, but only find orange peels he is tightly holding in his hand. 
We look at each other and dissolve in a wave of giggles. 

Ce était drôle.

Weird Dreams.

Weird dreams is something i have been having for as long as i remember. Some of my friends tell me they don't even dream, but i've read somewhere that can be an indicate that you have mental disorders, which indeed is spooky.
Yesterday i've been writing this letter type of confession to Trevor, in it i included some stuff about my ex-friend from my early high school years. Lets call her PJ for arguments sake. We have fallen out by half way through year 9, but somehow kinda were friends in year 10 & 11. The reason im telling you this is that she appeared in my dream.
Which was weird because she regularly appears in my dreams, is this my unconscious mind talking to me? She really hurt me, but i forgive her because that's what i've learnt to do lately.
In this dream she calls me multiple times on my phone, with a 'private number' as the id of the caller. She screams to the phone that she needs help and that basically her situation is not very nice. She also cries. And from what i have figured out in the dream the phone call woke me up and when i picked it up, i was tired all over sudden. PJ screams into the phone for help, i'm ready to help. I run out of the house without shoes on and i ask where she is. The line goes dead.

I woke up at 3:21 am and looked at my phone. This wasn't one of those dreams where i fight alongside Legolas against the Orcs or where I am guiding a mysterious Samurai into a space castle (Actual dreams of mine), this dream was scary.

Sweet dreams.

The cherry seed incident.

I can remember when i was just a little kid of about 5 years of age my grandparents had a giant cherry tree in their garden and every summer we used to have buckets upon buckets of cherries to eat. My grandma always came up with crazy ideas of how to use up all of the fruits, she even had worked out a recipe for a delicious cherry soup! (Which i only appreciate lately, as i despised it as a kid). I remember my grandpa climbing a tall wooden ladder and collecting the cherries from high above in the clouds (I was quite short.) Even when there were worms in some of the cherries he used to say: 
"A few more proteins hasn't killed anyone yet." 
His remarks are what I liked best.

 Well I liked to eat them alone, not in a cake or home made fruit punch. But once when i was helping myself to a bowl full of cherries I accidentally ate the cherry seed together with the rest of the fruit. I remember being scared for life when I imagined a giant cherry tree growing inside of my stomach any minute. I didn't sleep that night and asked my grandma the following morning about what i should do, she just laughed and said "We'll see if the tree inside your belly blooms next summer." Then she pulled me into a tight hug and said it will all be all right. 
I miss her.
Auf Wiedersehen , mein Freund. 

J.R.R Tolkien- Book to Movie adaptations.

A topic i would like to touch on is the movie adaptations of my favorite series of books that happen to be set in the middle earth. If you have no idea what i'm talking about i advise you to read the books or watch the movies to get a grasp of the main events in the book.
Those books were my favorite simply because my dad read them to me when i was little, they're my PRECIOUUUS.
You know when the First LOTR movie (Fellowship of the ring) came out in 2001, i was only 3 years old but I remember watching the movie as a 7 year old fascinated by how well they made it but obviously some parts of the book were slightly change where Jackson and the screenwriters just made up conversation that happen to be nowhere in the book. They also changed a lot of scenes which im not going to go into any detail with because there is simply too many.
The Two Towers came out a year later and the return of the king a year after that in 2003.
It just really angers me that with the LOTR series they fitted 3 books into 3 films, whereas with The Hobbit series they made 3 films out of 1 book. In my opinion the LOTR movies are very well done considering the low budget they had for making the film but i think they should've taken more time. Whereas with The Hobbit i think 2 films would've grasped all of the events in the book, none the less they weren't that bad.
In fact, I'm not the sort of person who cries while watching emotional films (my younger brother is tough :P) but I was sitting in the cinema crying while watching The battle of the five armies SPOILER ALERT Of course i have read the book a couple of times but at the scene when Kili died and Tauriel rushed to his side, that was just plain heart breaking considering the fact that he promised his family he will come home after the treasure is back in the hands of the dwarves. Or the sudden death of Fili, man that caught me a bit off edge. But i guess Thorins death was kinda epic. I never liked his character in the book as he was never a character i understood. But i like the way he was a type of fatherly figure for those two young dwarves.
So guys, maybe i would've directed the movie a little bit differently but i'm still happy with the outcome of Peter Jacksons work (Accurate or not) the humor he added to the films (That wasn't particularly in the book) encouraged a lot of people that are normally not into fantasy, enjoy the plot of events.

End of rant.

Au revoir les enfants.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

My old diary..

I just found my old diary, and needless to say i'm considering burning it like i did to the other 3. The only thing keeping me from burning it is that i like the cover of the diary, the colour scheme is pretty. But this diary contains memories that i don't want to look back at or dwell on.
I'm the sort of person who corrects my own spelling mistakes when reading my old diary entries. 

It contains my every thought and goal from April of 2012 to July 2014.
I need to open a new chapter (and a viral one may i add).
I am literally ashamed of some of the stuff i used to write. Not all of it but there was a few entries i was cringing at when reading.
Stuff like (actual extracts from the diary) : 16th April 2014
"Spending the holidays in the same house as my younger brother is literally a punishment, He's such a mouldy old sock."

I can't believe how my mindset changed since then, I mean my younger brother is still an old mouldy sock but i have gained more confidence and have become more open with others 
I certainly don't want to go back.

UPDATE: I decided I won't burn the diary, i began to write down blog post ideas in there instead.

Well I wish you a good chapter in your life, remember when you're feeling down there's always a way out of your worries.
Don't give up: "No retreat, no surrender"- The book of life.

Adiós hasta luego!

Fresh start.

So my friend recently sent me a link to her blog, after about 2 days i decided i will get this blog up and running again. Don't expect much, it's just going to be like a journal sorta type of thing. Writing in it daily starting today.

Why? Because i need to get some things out of my system.

let's start with the fact that i haven't done my school work yet, it's Thursday and it's late. My half term is almost over and on Monday i will be back in college empty handed. But instead i'm writing this blogpost.
I am the sort of person who reads 3 books in one day and manages to squeeze in a cinema outing in between but i won't do a simple task of doing my biology endocrine system assignment. How sad is that? I need to pull my crap together and be more responsible. I'm 16.75 years old and i still feel like a child. i can't even go to the dentist without my mum because i'm scared of talking to the reception lady.

I always find half-terms quite anti-social. is it just me? i just like to curl up in my room without anyone interfering with what i'm doing, but noooo half-terms have to be one of the busiest time periods in my school year. Not that it's a bad thing, i love hanging out with my friends or going places but sometimes i just need to retreat and spend some time alone away from the hassles of my daily routine.

I bought a cool thing on ebay yesterday! One word: UKULELE!
I can't wait, it's supposed to arrive on Monday but i simply cannot wait to play it. I've been wanting it for ages and took matters into my own hands this time, I have a feeling i will enjoy it way too much. i have a friend that plays guitar so he can tune everything for me and maybe teach me a few tricks and we'll see how it goes from there.

Peace out yo! or Goodbye m'lady!