Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Cracking people up.

Today, during lunch in the college canteen I have sat down at a table with a group of my friends. As you already know, I am a pretty cool person so to look even more bad-ass, i have put up my feet on the chair next to mine and i sat down in a comfortable half-lying position.
As i talk about Missions to Mars with my friends, I decide to take my cream crackers out of my bag.
Having the luck i possess, When taking my first bite the cracker decides to snap into 5 different pieces: One in my mouth, one in my hand & the remaining 3 onto my neck scarf and shirt.
Seeing the crumbles everywhere i manage to pick up all of them and sneakily eat them.
When I glanced up from my food I see a guy looking my way, AND laughing his head off!
Side note: I see him pretty much every time I'm at college and we share awkward eye-contact each time.
I then look down smiling, slightly embarrassed. I like to laugh at myself, its fun.

I guess the moral of this story is that you should never eat cream crackers when you're trying to look cool.

La revedere prietenul meu.

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