Friday, 20 February 2015

The orange peels incident.

This happened in Year 8/9 of my high school carrier.
It was lunch time and I was with PJ (mentioned in a previous post). We were sitting on the floor outside my french class and talking about everything and nothing. 
That time our French teacher Ms.Akesse wasn't around because she was pregnant but we had a supply teacher whom she picked for us.
His name was Mr.Frederick D'amore. He wasn't the oldest of teachers, in fact he was about 30 I would say.
For some bizarre reason our form class wasn't very fond of Frederick. I know, he might've been a bit odd here and there (his funny French accent and teaching us amusing French songs which later came in handy when doing my GCSEs) but he wasn't at all bad. I considered him better than Ms.Akesse as she would just sit behind her desk, eating pasta from a plastic container asking us "Comment dit-on ___ en français?" while pointing at her power point.

Anyways back to sitting outside the French class. We stop talking as Mr.D'amore approaches the staff toilets that are literally opposite to where we were sitting, he says "Good Morning girls" with a smile on his French face. We just nod at him and i manage to mumble "Mornin'" under my breath.
I elbow PJ in the ribs and point at the orange he is holding while going inside the bathroom. She sees this and giggles until there's tears escaping her eyes. 
Observation: She just simply couldn't laugh without her eyes not watering.
After a while, well a long while. He comes out of the toilet, finding us still sitting there. We both intently look at his hands or pockets in search of the orange, but only find orange peels he is tightly holding in his hand. 
We look at each other and dissolve in a wave of giggles. 

Ce était drôle.

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