Thursday, 15 October 2015

Holy Guacamole!

I feel as if avocados are a bit underrated, like have you ever eaten something better than an avocado? go on, i dare you to answer. *whispers* 'the answer is no'.

My phone crashed, my sim doesn't work. What even is life? On the other hand, less distraction but still.

Bumped into Paulina today, gave her a heart attack when i approached her from behind and rested my head on her shoulder. I need to return her the book i borrowed like last year.

Don't you just love smart people? like wow, i like that i can have an intelligent conversation with you but you can also be silly and that's great. I am just happy for their brains, you know?

Gotta pick up Peter's present from a post office 'office' (haha double office), because apparently the parcel is too large for our letter box. His birthday is on Saturday and there's going to be food.

I should be doing chemistry.
Just so you know, I hope all of your haters get a paper cut on their elbow because you're obviously an epic person.

Peace out peepz.

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