Friday 19 June 2015

Immense shoe hunt and a quest for A3 paper.

I woke up at 8:10am, which is unusual as i do not wake up that early during my summer holiday. But i will try to keep that up as i realise that i miss out on so much stuff wasting my time on sleeping.

I met up with Trevah in the library today, which was fun. The Wembley library is like a hot spot for us (not counting the wembley central bus stop). She gave me some belated birthday gifts along which lay some glow in the dark stars (gonna test them out later if they actually work).
She was slightly late but that's fine as long as i got to see her, besides that gave me a little time to choose some cool books out which i look forward to reading in my spare time).

Mum gave me £45 to spend on 2 pairs of casual shoes, Trevah and I browsed through the Clarks outlet without success and decided it would be best if we made a short trip to Greenford shopping centre to the best shop that is out there (Hobby Craft of course, it's like heaven on earth).

Played a game of hide and seek while talking with fascination about the wide assortment colour pencils, yes that was quite a thrill :P 
We're stationery geeks. If those existed then count us in!

Followed by another shoe shop trip failure, but at least we could share a view on how men's shoes are made much better than women's shoes. Like just take a look next time you're in a shoe shop. And that's how i realised it's probably best to go with my mum next time because i'm a sucker for making decisions, also there's the fact that i absolutely loathe clothes shopping.

We took a short break at McDonald's for ice-cream and apple pie. We split it in half just for Trevor to realise she forgot her phone somewhere (this moment has a name it's called a Trevor moment.. well just instead of Trevor I say her real name). She ran out and made her way back to the shops where we just came from, just left me there worried. I looked through her stuff just to make sure it wasn't hiding under piles of notebooks and crap (in a nice kind of way) she carries with her at all times.
She eventually found her phone lying on top of shoes on the shelf.
We exited the place with paper minion headgear and a stolen newspaper magazine (it has sudoku in it, that's the only reason.. nevermind i was dying with laughter).

On the bus journey back we have concluded that Trevor is treated like my secret boyfriend, but except that she's a girl and there's no reason for me to keep her secret from my family. She's just really annoyed she can't see my garden, but the truth is that i don't want her to see my family because they tend to be sort of odd and crazy.

4 hours later I am back home. I finally have a bit of time for myself so I sit down in my garden wrapped in my older brothers hoodie and sipping honey-lemon tea while reading a book (i am on page 157 so far).

My dad bought a new oven so it wasn't peaceful, it was frantic. He was running with his saw, cutting the table top down so it would fit our bigger oven. I had saw dust in my eyes and in my tea, still edible though.

When it got a bit chilly outside and the oven was nicely fitted in my kitchen I decided to water the plants and step inside the house.

I was vacuuming the kitchen and generally downstairs of the house while squeaks and terrifying moans (something similar to the sound of an ill parrot) that somehow resembled the song 'My heart will go on' from the titanic escaped my throat. 
As the vacuum cleaner is loud i thought no one would hear me but first my mum just looked up from what she was doing and gave me an 'Are you Okay?' look and secondly when i stopped vacuuming my brother shouted from the garden 'Agata, you do realise that everyone in the neighbourhood can hear you?' 

I feel like i write about small details that you're tired of reading.. 
One more thing, I promise.

My mum shouted from downstairs that someone called me on my phone, upon running down the stairs i find out that it was my dad calling me.
His excuse was: 'You would never have made me tea otherwise'
To which my response was: 'Dad, that was so lame..' And i cracked up laughing as i reached for some tea in our kitchen cupboard.

Peace out.

Thursday 18 June 2015

Sweating Pits.

The school year is coming to an end and I feel as if this year has gone simply too fast.
It certainly changed me as a person, i was able to work outside of my comfort zone to achieve goals and meet new people.

Change is not always welcome in our lives, it makes us uncertain of what there is to come but the change also  just pushes us out of the nest so we can figure out ourselves to fly in the strong winds.

My plans for holidays do not come into life till the second half of July so i have plenty of time to play Professor Layton on my Nintendo DS and maybe meet up with some friends in the scorching hot weather (trust me 20 degrees celsius is boiling in the UK, i honestly do not know what i am going to do in Poland because the temperatures there reach like 34 degrees). Let's just say that i will definately get a tan.

I was not always a summer person, in fact i hated the spherical ball of plasma that our planet orbits.
But when this winter came i thought i might get frost bite and i missed the time when my pits would seat from sitting outside in the shadow with my cousins.
(Too much information? yeah.. i think so too).

Peace out guys and enjoy summer while it lasts.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Rejoice people!

For those 5 people who have read my deleted blog post, don't worry i am feeling much better.
Sometimes i have these moments where i completely break down and just loose it.

If I was to be honest with you, you would want to continue following my updates in the blog.
I try my hardest to keep this a cheerful blog with a dash of awkward on the side, but that cannot be always the case.

Theoretically i have ended my college year today, but practically i am still coming in tomorrow and i am staying there till 4pm.

Zuhair bought a chocolate cake for his birthday to college (even tough his birthday is like towards the end of june). Let's just say i have done a lot of whistling and dancing today when i was walking around the college corridors.

I was walking down the steps with Salmo and there was 1 girl and 2 boys walking past, they were talking about us in sign language! How cool is that? i would totally love to learn to speak in sign language.

My plans for summer holidays include brushing up my French vocabulary so i can have discussions with Mariam next year, i will definitely be looking forward to that.

*SHOUTOUT* My friend decided to write her own blog, give her a warm welcome:

Peace out.

P.S: Trevor, i think i might be going slightly insane without you, i truthfully don't know what is wrong with me. You probably don't even care as you don't read my blog posts anymore. That's OK, but if there is a slight chance you're reading this: I miss you.

It's just not fair that i don't get to see you as often as i would like.

Wednesday 10 June 2015


Due to a popular demand.. nope.. just one person. But a very demanding person, I am going to talk about the interesting character of Amelia.

Amelia is my bus buddy, we live like 10 minutes from each other so naturally we get the same bus.

Let's start from the beginning first, beginning are generally a good place to start.

First day in College, but on the other campus. Shitting my pants to be honest, didn't know what to expect. Had no clue what i was doing with my life.
Luckily i had Chenai (or Ohini) to show me where my classroom is, i have no idea what i would do without her honestly.

Biology, I come inside of the classroom late. I can just feel the looks burning into my body, I was not welcome there. I have actually never experienced being completely new, I always knew at least a person in my class.

At that point It's almost as if i had a giant lump in my throat, I am not the sort of person who cries publicly (please exclude the part in The Hobbit where Kili and Thorin die and I burst into tears like a little baby inside the cinema OR the part where in 'The boy in the striped pyjamas' the gas chambers are left empty at the end of the film). I just sort of bite the inside of my lip and apparently look 'lost'.
It was 6 weeks into the year, everyone obviously made friends. And knowing me, nobody would want to be friends with me.

First impression count, right?
Well.. let's just say in Amelia's case it didn't count for good.
You asked me to be honest..
I don't really remember what her nickname was for me, it might've been along the lines of  'that blonde girl'.
That was kind of upsetting, you know it's kind of degrading when a person doesn't even want to make the effort to learn the simplest of things about yourself; such as your own name.
We had an early break and I coincidentally saw the  2 people out of 4 people I knew on the campus; Matthew and Slay.
I told them about my first day at college, yup I made sure to include all the details.
She was the loudest, and i have automatically marked her as 'loud rude girl I am probably not going to get on with'.
And I can gladly say I was wrong.
The following day (Tuesday) I sat down and Amelia asks out of nowhere: ''You know Matthew?'' and I said ''Yeah''.
Then she proceeded to update my database and told be about how she used to go Cadets with him and they haven't seen each other in a while. I honestly had no idea that they know each other, if i did then i wouldn't have told Matthew anything.

Skip forward 5 days..
On my way to college I got on the 182 and literally look back from my seat, she's sitting behind me. My stomach dropped. I kept my cool though, I am pretty good at keeping my cool. I decided to say 'Hi'. It was still kind of awkward.

We talked and i think what we really bonded over is the fact that both of us shop mainly at the local Sainsbury's. Like better than that! She lives next to Sainsbury's.

Skip forward few weeks..
 We now get the bus together. Even on the mornings, I decided to throw Trevah into the cocktail too. All 3 of us met up.

Skip forward a lotta weeks..
 We discuss Metro articles together, when she's sleepy in the morning she rest her half-a-tonne head on my shoulder and occasionally even walk home together, like you know .. exercise.

The reason why I wrote the time line above is to give you an insight of the development that took place over the year. It's the little things that change everything, I have definitely learnt that in this case. She is definitely not what i expected her to be.

As for Amelia herself:
She is truly an interesting character, even if i don't think i will ever truly understand her.
She giggles like a hamster that is being strangled (I love her laugh, seriously)  but it suits her.
Did I mention she wears shoes that have kittens on them? She has a matching hat! I mean.. how cute is that?
Drinking coffee every morning (Made from 8 teaspoons of coffee),She smells of coffee, cat hair and grapefruits.
On one hand she's obnoxious and loud but on the other she's pretty sensitive (she doesn't like showing that side but i know it's there somewhere) and has a good sense of humor.
That adds to her charm I guess.
I would say she is really open about a lot of stuff and I feel as if the range of topics we can discuss is pretty broad and i think that's what i like in people.

Alright, I bet you had enough now.
Peace out.

Mission Abort!

I have seen my Fofo in the morning, I have come into college 30 minutes early and headed for canteen with Amelia.

It didn't take me long to see Samira sitting at one of the canteen tables, I sat down and proceeded to engage in a conversation with her.
Little did I know, the curly haired guy was sitting at the opposite side of the canteen with his mates. Munching on a banana.
I immediately recognised this funky being and watched as he sits on the table.
He has the cutest smile.

I told Samira: 'He's eating a banana, I have a banana in my bag.. IT'S MEANT TO BE'.
Like we have so much in common; we both like bananas.. that's about it :')

I told Mehwish and Salmo in chemistry about what happened and they had to listen to me go on about him.. Until Christian overheard us.
C:'Who are you guys talking about?' (honestly it's not a secret anymore plus I don't mind him knowing).
A:(I hesitate) 'This cute guy'.
C:'You should talk to him' (I give him a look) 'Why not?'
A:'Why would I?, he doesn't know me and I don't know him. I should just leave it'
C:'You've got nothing to loose, as you said he's leaving next' (this kind of makes me think, but I am openly admitting to being a coward. I could never do that, even if I wanted to) 'Plus if he's a nice guy he won't reject you, if he's a douche then he will.'
A:'I am not so sure..'

After chemistry we went to the library and Salmo saw her Prince Charming.
I went biology with Marina and she explained a physics assignment to me, out of nowhere Salmo jumps out (panting and incredibly happy)
S:'He's there! He's in the library, upstairs! C'mon!'
We walked quickly to the library where the rest of the gang have thought out a master plan.

In chemistry there is an assignment where you have to give people questionnaires to fill out, and Mehwish was sick so she is giving it in late.
The questionnaire was a perfect cover up for finding out more about him, like his name and age along with what scientific subject he likes best :').

The questions were printed out, it was time!
We headed upstairs and honestly I wasn't to keen on the idea.. they wanted me to ask him to fill it out. I would probably chicken out.
I pretended that I am sorting out my folder so Mehwish had some mercy and went up to him.
I couldn't look, I honestly couldn't.

He declined filling it out. YUP, he said NO!!1!1!

I mean.. kinda rude. But I understand that he had work to do as the end of the year is always stressful.

As soon as Mehwish told me he said no, I began giggling uncontrollably. I had to get out of there or I would blow my cover!

We went to the bottom level of the library and we were talking about it when Christian heard us and asked how it went.
The answer was: Not good.
He offered to force the guy to answer my questions so we described the guy to him.
We were ready and prepared for it but as soon as we exited the bottom floor doors, fofo's class comes out and I whisper loudly 'Mission: Abort'.

The rest of the gang did as they are told as they saw him walking out, we immediately went outside and while he was walking out they were whispering: 'That's him, that's him'

Maryam just pinched me and moved her eyes over to where he's walking.
Mehwish told Christian: 'Go after him! Go after him'
While Mariam was just making scenarios in her head she wants me to go up to him and say: 'Hey! is your name Kevin? You look like a Kevin'
To which I responded with a splutterous laugh and walked out of the circle to catch my breath.

'Why am I friends with you people?'
I love them really.

Peace out.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

I feel overjoyed.

I should be doing biology coursework but screw that. Here's some chill story time.
During year 11 I went through my 'Bastille' phase. The chill tunes helped me with stress and just certain situations overall.
Although I remember year 11 to be not so bad, when i look back at it.. it wasn't good either.

The album "Bad Blood" really spoke to me on a personal level, the lyrics were so clever, well put together and really relatable.
I'm the sort of person that doesn't care about the look of the band or what their name is, I just fall in love with the music.
I know all of the lyrics by heart, which is quite sad but also pretty cool.
Every single song in the album is amazing, they're the kind of songs you have to listen to a few times to understand what they are truly about.
Personal favourites:
'Bad Blood'- I think of Trevor everytime I listen to it.
'These Streets'- I think of the guy i used to have a major crush on in year 11.
'Daniel in the den'- Words cannot describe my love for this song, seriously ughhh so good.
'Flaws'- Looking back I think of myself and how much I have done to get to the place where i am now.
'Weight of living pt1&2'- This just makes me think about life in general, I love how the song is broken down into 2 parts. Part 2 is a continuation of the first one but can be interpreted as an individual song in itself.

End of Review :P. Hope I didn't bore you to death.. Hah.

Peace out.

Saturday 6 June 2015


My older brother is leaving home for 2 weeks to go to fly to Italy.
He's currently finishing off packing and checking he has everything as his flight is at 6am, and it's only midnight right now and I can tell he's quite nervous to to this.
He even started reading 'Learn to speak Italian: For Dummies', which by the way is mine.

It's so unfair how he's already finished with his school year and he gets to travel ,I actually wanted to go with him but nonetheless I'm quite happy for him .
I never thought I will say this but the house is going to be so empty without him, it's always like that when one member of the family is missing.

I think I will miss him, a bit.

He better buy me something while he's there.
We have already established that he's going to take selfies and photos at the places he visits following posting them on Facebook. Which should be fun enough, like in a cool movie or something.

Mum is probably going to be worried, her first born is already flying out of the nest. I can guarantee you she's going to Skype him everyday, at least twice.
He packed 4 baguettes (them small ones) for his journey.

Peace out.
(Might post some pics when he actually gets there, hope is a photo of an Italian pizza or something.)

Friday 5 June 2015

You coming on a bear hunt?

My birthday was last month, 27th of May.
I turned 17.

It didn't bother me as much as turning 16 did, but the thought I'm going to be 18 in a year is just so scary.

I still feel like a 15 year old, only I'm a bit smarter now & better at decision making.

I got a "We're going on a bear hunt" children's book along with other gifts from Trevor. We always recited the book but never got past the 'Thick oozy mud', not even that we called it 'Icky Sticky mud' (which I prefer much better).
Never knew how the actual bear hunt ended until I read it.
Want a spoiler?
They find the bear and they run away with the bear chasing them.
They hide under the covers and wait for the bear to go away.
He walks off, slightly disappointed.
What if he only wanted someone to talk to?
To be honest, I feel kind of sorry for him.

Whereas my family bought me a real fountain pen. How cool is that?
I collect stationery and notebooks, so that was literally a perfect present.

When the black ink dries, it actually gives like a nice dark greyish colour you can find on old documents.

Peace out.

Put on your friday clothes!

Have you ever watched the film WALL-E?

I have to say that the general plot in the film is pretty original, I didn't expect that at all.
The collaboration of the artists from both animation companies made the soundtrack to the film is truly beautiful.
The instrumentals, like.. I'm not even a fan of classical music or instrumentals but it's just so well put together.
I didn't really give it a thought until i started humming the song WALL-E played on his TV randomly while doing my homework, then I realised that I have no idea what it's called.

I literally googled: "What's the song WALL-E plays on his TV in the movie?"

Turns out that there were 2 songs from an old film 'Hello, Dolly!'
The one that I was humming was 'Put on your Sunday clothes'.
I might or might not be obsessed with it, the lyrics are awesome and fun to sing along to whereas the melody is so cheerful.
I would strongly advise you to give it a go:

Listening to it makes me so happy.
I want you to be happy.

Peace out.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Awkward moment of the day.. Yesterday.

When walking out of biology for our lunch break, the class made their way to the stair case located at the end of the corridor.

Making our way down, Mehwish dropped her ID card and her phone on the middle bit of the stair case..

Extract from my notebook, I wrote a draft of the post on my way to college.

Being the good friend i am, I decided to help a friend in need, not knowing of the terrible events that followed.
I wanted to bend down but ended up squatting to touch the floor, as i had my backpack on I had to lean forward to reach the phone but having a heavy folder and a laptop inside it did not help at all.
I lost my balance, tried to regain it but toppled over instead so that my bum was sitting on the ground.
I proceeded to laugh hysterically as my classmates standing around me shot me confused looks.
I picked up the phone and stripped of any dignity continued my way down the stairs, regaining air in my lungs.
I have to tell you, when i laugh it literally sounds like somebody is crying. Like I deeply exhale and then try to inhale to replace the air and it makes like a high-pitched noise...

Peace out and have an awkward day!

The encounter.

I had biology catch up to attend today at 2pm.
But to make it into college on time and drop into McDonald's on the way to grab a snack, I had to leave the house at 12:30.

Pretty straightforward, right?

Once again, my neighbours had to complicate the matter.
Guess.. Just guess what happened. Want a clue?

It appeared that the girl next door brought a friend with her home during her lunch break I presume, I mean.. Our road is literally 10 minutes away from the school so why would they be at home so early otherwise?

So the action begins here: They took 2 white plastic garden chairs, and proceeded to suntan in the front garden.
I know, it doesn't sound outrageous or anything but read on..
At 20 degrees Celsius outside, they were wearing like bikini tops and super short shorts (bear in mind they are like 15), almost like they think they are on holiday in Egypt or somewhere.
This is not the worst part.

This is the worst part: It bothered me so much because if you see the structure and location of our front gardens (attached below) you can see that I would have to walk right next to them when exiting my house and making my way to the bus stop.

Like they were oiling themselves and whatnot.
As if that isn't awkward enough.. Upon getting ready and literally pressing the handle I took a last look at them while formulating my plan of escape.
I thought I was ready but at that exact moment they decided that it would be a brilliant idea if the friend went on the road outside my house and play the game of "sexy poses" (wow that's a phrase i never thought i would use ever on this blog).

I literally don't know what kind of sick joke that was but I had to look at the idiotic behaviour the girl happened to demonstrate, that was because I decided that as soon as she sits down; I storm out of the house and quicken my pace whilst looking down on the floor avoiding eye contact.

I had to be ready.. It could happen at any second.
I was already late as the girl took 5 minutes auditioning for the role of an Avon swimwear model while attempting to bend down and drag her hand across her leg, It's just disturbing.
Needless to mention their idea of fun is my idea of making a fool out of yourself.

What were they even thinking?
As soon as her bottom touched the chair I decided that: It's either now, or never.
This was my only chance, I discretely closed my front door and put on an act that I am so pre-occupied with choosing a song on my phone that I didn't even notice they were there.
Never walked so fast in my life.
Mission: Success.

When passing the McDonald's in Harrow I realised I forgot my voucher.
Sad life.

Peace out.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

The funky plunkies in other words my lovable weirdos.

My college friends requested a blog post about them, they want to use my popularity to get in the media  .(^-^). 
They can be clingy, annoying, irritating, needy and just plain silly, they are even capable of leaving 169 messages on my whatsapp in a matter of 3 hours of not going on my  phone.

But the truth is that they're a lot of support, and they cheer me up whenever I am not feeling it they literally have me laughing to the point my non-existent abs hurt.. They are the best people I could ask for after moving my college campus, they accepted me and took me in their own little group, well it's the biggest friend group I was ever in, I mean there's fluffin' 6 of us but that means that there is 6 funky plunkies and that's an awesome thing.

I finally fit in, and fitting in not in a way that I copy their style or way that they speak or that I am very similar to them, it's more of a fitting in in a sense that I have my own place in the group and I want to add it's a pretty comfortable place.

Each of us is so different and that makes our group so cool and fun.

The girly girl of our group, her favourite colour is pink. She likes white boys and has had past experiences with skirts falling down and she often complains about her ankle boots that she wears in the summer.
When we were rushing out of the class one Tuesday she didn't realize that she's supposed to turn and she ran into a pile of chairs, needless to say I was laughing my head off as I was the only one actually seeing her trip over.
When she talks she just simply cannot keep still, swinging from side to side.
She's rather absent minded and at times dopey to the point it is funny, but honestly we all love her.

Described pretty much everything about her in by earlier blog post that you can find under this link:
All I can say is that she is honestly ''OUT OF ORDER.'' She is the cuddly bear in the group, she has an excellent sense of humor. Her Scottish accent is pretty good for someone that has only visited Scotland for less than a week. She's good with water colours, which is totally not fair as I just cannot use them to save my life.
She's the kind of person you can mess around with but also have proper deep conversations with.

Claims to be the Alpha but we all know she's a beta ;) only joking, the 2 Maryiams (see what I did there? I merged their names together.. nevermind) compete for being the Alpha Maryiam in our Wolf Gang. She is totally sweet and I can really tell she values all of us. She is charming, modest and sincere. She only takes selfies that show her nose piercing on the left side of her face, making her selfies look like somebody took them at an awkward angle when she was not looking, very Tumblr as the youngsters would say. Her face just makes me smile, like her facial expressions are very amusing.

She might be the most honest person in the group, she always says what she thinks. She's brave, like  would not be able to do things she does. She's pretty funny, one of those people who speak seriously and slip in a little joke at the end of the sentence that has everyone around her crack up.
She enjoys eating banana muffins (that's pretty much everything she eats from the canteen) and she sometimes brings weird foreign food into college. What I find funny about her is that I always see her with a pencil/pen in her hair, she does one of those Chinese hair buns that she holds up with the stationery. She's one of those open people that tell you what she is thinking or worried about.

Her past as a tomboy involved getting her knees covered in mud on a football field in Germany.
Her German accent is very cute and instead of saying 'It was' she says: 'Twas' like a lady living in the Shakespearean times. She often giggles at the silliest of things and she busts the stupidest jokes on earth but I guess I'm the sort of person that finds them hilarious (she tried to plug a charger to a USB port in my laptop :P)
She just said: ''Life if hard.. with Agata.'' She enjoys scribbling on blank pieces of paper, I mean ALL the time she just scribbles or as she calls it 'sketches' us.
She's very hard-working, like one time she pulled an all-nighter and she was walking around like a zombie for a day just for the sake of finishing her assignment. I would describe her as lazy but dedicated.

That's all folks.

Peace out.

My own Fofo.

Fofo means 'cute' in Portuguese, at least that's what Marina told me. For all I know it can mean 'elbow' or something completely random.

I have my eye on this guy in college, he's pretty fofo in my opinion. He has a wacky sense of style and his curly hair is beyond any control, he looks like a tall human version of 'Peregrin Took' from Lord of the rings.

My predictions are that he is on his second year in the college, which means that I won't be seeing him around next year, which is rather sad.
I don't know his name or anything about him but he looks like a geek and that's enough for me.
What can I say? I just love wacky geeks.
I'm obviously not going to go up to him and ask him for his name. I am probably just going to talk about how cute he is behind his back. It's better that way.

I have never admitted to any of my crushes that I like them and maybe that's why I am going to die alone. Or maybe I will have a dog, yup! a dog is enough.

Peace out.