Wednesday 3 June 2015

The funky plunkies in other words my lovable weirdos.

My college friends requested a blog post about them, they want to use my popularity to get in the media  .(^-^). 
They can be clingy, annoying, irritating, needy and just plain silly, they are even capable of leaving 169 messages on my whatsapp in a matter of 3 hours of not going on my  phone.

But the truth is that they're a lot of support, and they cheer me up whenever I am not feeling it they literally have me laughing to the point my non-existent abs hurt.. They are the best people I could ask for after moving my college campus, they accepted me and took me in their own little group, well it's the biggest friend group I was ever in, I mean there's fluffin' 6 of us but that means that there is 6 funky plunkies and that's an awesome thing.

I finally fit in, and fitting in not in a way that I copy their style or way that they speak or that I am very similar to them, it's more of a fitting in in a sense that I have my own place in the group and I want to add it's a pretty comfortable place.

Each of us is so different and that makes our group so cool and fun.

The girly girl of our group, her favourite colour is pink. She likes white boys and has had past experiences with skirts falling down and she often complains about her ankle boots that she wears in the summer.
When we were rushing out of the class one Tuesday she didn't realize that she's supposed to turn and she ran into a pile of chairs, needless to say I was laughing my head off as I was the only one actually seeing her trip over.
When she talks she just simply cannot keep still, swinging from side to side.
She's rather absent minded and at times dopey to the point it is funny, but honestly we all love her.

Described pretty much everything about her in by earlier blog post that you can find under this link:
All I can say is that she is honestly ''OUT OF ORDER.'' She is the cuddly bear in the group, she has an excellent sense of humor. Her Scottish accent is pretty good for someone that has only visited Scotland for less than a week. She's good with water colours, which is totally not fair as I just cannot use them to save my life.
She's the kind of person you can mess around with but also have proper deep conversations with.

Claims to be the Alpha but we all know she's a beta ;) only joking, the 2 Maryiams (see what I did there? I merged their names together.. nevermind) compete for being the Alpha Maryiam in our Wolf Gang. She is totally sweet and I can really tell she values all of us. She is charming, modest and sincere. She only takes selfies that show her nose piercing on the left side of her face, making her selfies look like somebody took them at an awkward angle when she was not looking, very Tumblr as the youngsters would say. Her face just makes me smile, like her facial expressions are very amusing.

She might be the most honest person in the group, she always says what she thinks. She's brave, like  would not be able to do things she does. She's pretty funny, one of those people who speak seriously and slip in a little joke at the end of the sentence that has everyone around her crack up.
She enjoys eating banana muffins (that's pretty much everything she eats from the canteen) and she sometimes brings weird foreign food into college. What I find funny about her is that I always see her with a pencil/pen in her hair, she does one of those Chinese hair buns that she holds up with the stationery. She's one of those open people that tell you what she is thinking or worried about.

Her past as a tomboy involved getting her knees covered in mud on a football field in Germany.
Her German accent is very cute and instead of saying 'It was' she says: 'Twas' like a lady living in the Shakespearean times. She often giggles at the silliest of things and she busts the stupidest jokes on earth but I guess I'm the sort of person that finds them hilarious (she tried to plug a charger to a USB port in my laptop :P)
She just said: ''Life if hard.. with Agata.'' She enjoys scribbling on blank pieces of paper, I mean ALL the time she just scribbles or as she calls it 'sketches' us.
She's very hard-working, like one time she pulled an all-nighter and she was walking around like a zombie for a day just for the sake of finishing her assignment. I would describe her as lazy but dedicated.

That's all folks.

Peace out.

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