Sunday 22 March 2015


I've been putting aside so many things, it's just not funny anymore.
When i tell myself i have to do work, i just sit down and sketch.
I am annoyed with myself.
Like I want to do so many things and yet i end up doing so many other things.

I went to Gunnersbury park today and saw 3 male ducks attacking a female duck. It was just horrible, but no other duck was there to help her. I had to poke them with a stick so they can get off her and stop drowning her.

So much stuff I want to do, and i eventually don't end up doing.
Even now i am writing a blog post instead of doing college work, how pathetic am i?
I just don't see the point anymore.

I am scared of going to uni, I know i still have a year but at the beginning of next year i have to start applying. To be honest I just want to curl up in a fluffy blanket and never have to face the world again, live in my own little bubble. I hate the idea of having to grow up. Peter Pan, If you read this, take me to Neverland.

I love the people around me but sometimes I just need to breathe and be on my own.
I like to be in my own company, and Trevor is probably the only reason why i bother going outside my house during the weekend or days that i do not go college.

It's odd that i am writing this on here and my parents do not even know what's going through my head. But it makes me happier not bottling it all up. At least I can tell you.

Peace out.


  1. I love you :) You're not pathetic. It's human nature not to feel like doing stuff if there is no reason why you are supposed to do stuff. Really and especially at 16, the world expects us to be so adult and to make our own decisions.

    1. heh, thanks for cheering me up. And good night, i will see you on wednesday.
