Wednesday, 11 March 2015

My day in a nutshell.

Windows, Babies and Explosion & more.

I woke up with a headache at 6:20am as i have stayed up till late the previous night finishing off my school work. I hate procrastination, I hate being just plain lazy.
This continued throughout the whole day, it's like my brain is going to explode any minute now. It's as if a little hamster is blowing a balloon inside my skull and it's on the verge of bursting.

I had to pay 20p for an overdue book, that's why i hate libraries. Being a forgetful person does not help at all, Trevor calls me a goldfish for a reason. 

Today i was staring at a baby when i was waiting at the  bus stop, I realised today that i often stare at babies until they stare back at me. Then i proceed to the smiling mode, it's nice seeing the baby return the smile. In other cases the parent gives me like a: 'get away from my child, you creep' look. 

Don't you just hate when you're hanging out with someone and that person just decides to text on their phone ignoring your existence? Like, I mean if you'd rather be somewhere else, talking to someone else be my guest and go away i don't need you in my life. Like, I always wonder if the person A meets up with the person B (person they were texting while i was with person A), does Person A text Person C? It's like a never ending cycle! If you are with someone, spend time with them! Is it really that hard?

Today i touched a strangers hand on the bus by accident, i realised after like 2 seconds and the guy just stared at me as if he was confused, i don't blame him. No need to add that i got off 2 stops before i was actually going to get off.The dirty windows on the 182 are such a pain because i often just sleep on the bus home, i just lean my head on the window and listen to Chillstep or Foster the peoples new album it's very relaxing and soothing. But obviously having dirty windows means that i can't directly lean my head on the window, i have to put my hood up and then lean on it to avoid direct contact with it. I'm just aware of all of the bacteria that brushes off there everyday and i would rather not even think about it.

After i got home from college, my mum convinced me to help her with gardening. 
We went to B&Q on the Saturday (I think i mentioned that in one of the previous posts), mum bought a bunch of plants including Lavender, Thyme and plants with funky names that i do not remember the name of. And of course i had to convince my mum to buy me a cactus (mentioned previously), Well i had to put it into a larger flower pot and add some extra cactus soil so that it can grow big and strong (It's like my baby, Ok?). I have had fun filling up the pots with soil and sowing some flower seeds, apparently they germinate in 10-20 days so im looking forward to that. 

I need sleep ASAP, so peace out and have fun with whatever you're up to.

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