Thursday, 12 March 2015

I have no arms...

Today i went out shopping with my mum, we needed to buy a nice gift for my baby cousin in Poland.
We're actually going there in 2 weeks so there is not much time left. Can't wait till Easter holidays!
Anyway my point is that we ended up buy a ton of random stuff and we also managed to drag it all into McDonald's and have a break while eating McFlurry, my legs were literally killing me.
My mum has a cold yet she insists that she will have ice-cream so that i have some company. Needless to mention she was half coughing- half laughing when i pointed it out to her.
I got on a bus home with the massive bags and barely made it home. I don't even need to go to gym, I work out because my mum says so. (My arms fell off, I’m basically typing this with my tongue.)
I might have a teeny-weeny obsession with socks, I love socks and i know they love me back. It's like it's meant to be, you know they are just so understanding. They comfort me when my feet are cold, and all of those cute designs just drive me crazy (in a good way).

I just got out of the shower like 20 minutes ago, I was going to wash my hair but when i put the 'shampoo' on my hair it didn't lather properly and i realised after i got out of the shower that it was actually a hair conditioner, and it also turns out we've run out of shampoo.
Wait a second, while I’m typing this i just experienced the biggest deja-vu this week. It feels weird.
Just an inside of the stuff that happens to me everyday.

I was re-enacting dubstep with my mouth when i was sitting next to my brother and spat all over him and his desk. I have no regrets.

Peace out.

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